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We Clean your tank, Not your wallet.

P.O Box 1394, Palmer, AK 99645

Septic Cleaning


Why should I service my septic system regularly?

Sludge build-up is unavoidable and regular septic service helps maintain manageable levels; averting the need for septic repairs. Having septic tank pumping done on a regular basis helps to ensure that your septic system

maintains a healthy liquid balance. Regular septic service and pumping

can assist in identifying potential problems that may lay below the surface.

In addition to regular septic service, here are a few things you can do to increase efficiency and reduce the potential for problems with your septic system: Divert rainwater (or water from hoses) away from your septic leach field. If your leach field is too full of water it won’t drain properly and it will have problems absorbing waste. Reduce the load on your septic system by conserving water. For example, do laundry throughout the week instead of all at once, use flow-reducing nozzles on showers, and wash full loads in your dishwasher.

We are happy to offer a discount on our septic pumping service for the military and repeat customers. Get one cent off per gallon on your septic pumping, because we clean your tank, not your wallet and it’s our way of saying thank you!


Why Choose A-Two?

NO Local Mileage Fee

NO Extra Back-Flush Fee

NO Hose Cleaning Fee

Customer Loyalty Discount

Senior Discount

Military Discount


    Friendly, Reliable Service for the Mat-Su Valley.
Palmer (907) 745-7867 • Wasilla (907) 376-7867 • P.O. Box 1394, Palmer, AK 99645

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